Dashboard and Analytics

As a creator, you have access to important analytics on your dashboard to keep a pulse on the health of your program after it has launched.

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List of matches

At a glance you can see all the matches that have been sent for your program

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All signups

You can also see every member who has signed up to your program by clicking on the "Engaged members" card.

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Average score

We send a poll to your members after every 3 matches, asking them to rate the matches from 1-5 and add additional comments. You can view their answers by clicking on the "Average score" card.

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Interest rate

We also show you an average open rate of all match emails to give you a pulse on the interest rate of your program. We've found it to hover between 90%-99%.

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A note on privacy

We believe in a privacy-first approach to analytics.

That's why we don’t spy on the conversation between your community members. So we can't tell you much about the follow ups that happen between the members. We rely on the members to report anything substantial in the survey that gets sent periodically.