Q. How does the matching work?

By default, we do likeminded matching. That means, we match people who have the most no. of answers in common.

But if you want to customise the matching algorithm for your community, you can use the “Must match” and “Don’t match” rules under Advanced Settings.

Q. Why can’t I delete or edit the “How often do you want to get matched?” question?

This question is automatically added by the tool to every program to let members decide the frequency of matches. Therefore, it can’t be modified or edited.

Q. How will I know if the members are meeting after an introduction is made?

We send an NPS-style survey to members after every 3 matches. Here the members can give a rating from 1-5 and add optional comments.

You can see the results from your survey by clicking on the Average Scorecard.

Q. My members are complaining about being ghosted on the intro email. How can I reduce it?

After a few iterations, it is natural for your members to get disengaged from the program.

We suggest 2 ways to solve this problem:

Please remember that we are a community first and foremost, so if you get introduced to someone, please don't ghost each other. If you don’t have the time for networking, use the links below to opt-out or reduce the intro frequency.

Q. Can a member be matched with the same person twice?

Our algorithm prevents anyone from being matched with the same person for atleast 3 months.

Q. When you integrate with Slack, why can't the messages can be sent only through slack and not email (to drive conversation and the like)?

The reason we don't do it is because we've found matching programs like the ones we create attract a good fraction of people who aren't active on Slack. This means if you were to send messages only on Slack, there's a good chance that one of the 2 people being matched would end up being ghosted. Making for a poor experience for everybody.

Q. I didn't get a Slack message for my latest match (just got an email) even though I connected my workspace. Is the Slack integration working?

Likely, yes. In order to deliver the Slack message, both the people who have been matched will need to be using the same email for signing in to the Slack workspace and for signing up to Curated Connections.

If a pair didn't get a notification, it means that either one or both of them didn't use the same email. Nothing to worry, they are still getting notified on their emails.

(If this isn't the case, send an email to nityesh@hey.com)